March 8, 2025

Spatial view of the Dutch book-Dutch book polyhedron

Geometric interpretation of Dutch book

In football events, as we already know, there are 3 possible outcomes:
Home win(1), Draw(0), Away(2) win
significant for the Spatial view of the Dutch book
Important: if the sum probabilities of all outcomes add up to 1 then we deal with so-called true odds!

                                             P(H)+P(D)+ P(A)=1

The Main equation

This equation is of great importance
It can be considered as one pillar for a rational approach to betting.
Therefore, it will be hereinafter referred to as the Main equation
Along with this equality, the following two more come in importance:

                                             P(H)+P(D)+ P(A)> 1   upper


                                             P(H)+P(D)+ P(A)<1    lower

are main Inequations (upper and lower)

The upper main inequation belongs to a bookie and contains all Dutch book polyhedrons
Lower grand inequation, on the contrary, belongs to punters and contains all Arb polyhedrons

Spatial geometry of Main equation

If we P(H) substitute with x, P(D) with y, and P(A) with z then we get next:

x + y + z=1

And that is nothing but the equation of one specific plane in 3D space!

Spatial interpretation of Dutch book

In 3D, the equation of the XY plane (in gray) is Z = 0
In the same way, the equation of the XZ plane is Y = 0
Obviously, the equation of the YZ plane in the same 3D space must be: X = 0
The plane x + y + z = 1 intersects the plane Z = 0 in the (infinite) line which passing through points A and B
Similarly, the same plane intersects the plane Y = 0 in line passing points A and C
Plain X=0 intersects plain x+y+z=1 in line to which points B and C belong

These sections form an interesting geometric body with 4 facets and 6 edges called-Tetrahedron

The main facet of the Dutch book tetrahedron

Facet ABC is of primary bookie’s interest because by ‘extending’ its geometry he makes a profit!
In what way does he ‘extend’ that geometry?
By “hyperbolically” increasing the values of the associated probabilities!
This type of increase results in a decrease in the value of the coefficients

Let’s repeat:
In the process of placing a bet, the bookie stands on one,laying side, while the punter is on the opposite –backing side

This is the basic difference between them – the one-by position within the betting process
The main facet is, we can say that is a place where these two different processes meet each other!
This difference in positions goes in the bookie’s favor because it allows him to always profit without knowing the complicated mathematical-financial system!
How is that?

Misconceptions related to laying bets of laying a bets

Because he disobeys the law of probability in a manner that sum all probabilities exciding the unity
A consequence of disobeying is next:

xp(H) + xp(D) + xp(A)=x 

And as we know:  x=1/(1-y)  where y is the bookie’s profit in percentage

(these x and y have nothing to do with the x, y in the equation of the plane in 3d!!)

The hyperbolic multiplier can also be given another form: x=1+ orr
where orr is so-called overround
Because x ≠ x-1 so orr isn’t the same as bookie’s profit opportunity
Many sources on the web did glide in deep misconceptions about these two different things

Investopedia, unfortunately, is no exception

It is wrong to equate the bookie's profit with the overround because it leads to the wrong perception of the Dutch book

Profit opportunity and Overround-differences

1+ orr=1/(1-y)

Overround as a function of bookie’s profit opportunity

Bookie’s profit opportunity as a function of overround:
(1-y)orr=y => y+orry=orr

The curve shows the dependence of the guaranteed profit as a function of the overround
Both overround and 'juice' of bookie are important components of the Dutch book

If orr=5% then the bookie’s profit opportunity is exactly:
y=0.0497512437810946 (on fifteen decimal correct)
Looks like Investopedia has right

But if we take orr=9% then y=0.09/1.09=0.0825=8.25%
In logic a conditional statement: p→q is false
if and only if the premise p is true and the conclusion q is false.
p→q is logically equivalent to q∨¬p
So if p is false, then ¬p is true and q ∨¬p is also true.
Thus p→q is always true
/in other words from false fact may follow a true conclusion/

One criterion linked with the Dutch book polyhedron

In general, for orr>0 it holds that the bookie’s profit opportunity is lesser than overround
1/(1+orr)<1 for every orr>0
If we put 1/(1+orr)=k <1
then follow y=orr*k < orr

Main Theorem of the Dutch book:

Let d.o’(H),d,o’(D), and d.o’(A) be the coefficients, odds, derived by the hyperbolic growth of real probabilities


Their harmonic mean is always less than 3


           H(d.o’(H),d,o’(D), d.o’(A))<3

hyperbolic increasing of ‘real’ probabilities implies:
d,o’(D) =(1-y)d.o(D)
d.o’(A)= (1-y)d.o(A)

Harmonic mean by definition gives:

Considering that on facet ABC must be fulfilled:

p(H)+p(D)+p(A)=1 must be also fulfilled:

d.o(H)d.o(D)+d.o(H)d.o(A)+d.o(D)d.o(A) = d.o(H)d.o(D)d.o(A)

from here we got:

H(d.o’(H),d,o’(D),d.o’(A))=3(1-y) & y>0 =>
H(d.o’(H),d,o’(D),d.o’(A))< 3   


The application of the above theorem is reflected in this table, an overview of the odds for the Premier League for September 2022:

The table with  calculated overround  for the Premier league shows that the harmonic mean of the given odds shows toward the Dutch book on bookie's side

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