The betting efficacy and after all, the profitability of the mentioned methods will be determined based on these data
For the sake of brevity and clarity, I introduce a more convenient notation:
for :
d.o(H), odds for a home win, briefly: H
d.o(D), odds for a draw result, briefly: D
d.o(A), odds for an Away win, briefly: A
In the concrete analysis we have the next odds:
First Method: Arbitrage betting
Say that we put €100 of stake on Queen of South-Alloa, a game that took place yesterday, October the first, 2022, at 4 pm, Palmerston Park, ended up with outcome-1:1
Is it even profitable?
This question is answered by the harmonic mean:
H(2,3,3,6,3.6)=2.69417 <3
so arbitrage betting is pointless
Ok, there must be a bookie’s overround, orr?
What is its value?
1/H + 1/D + 1/A=1.113516
So the value of overround is 11,35%
What is the percentage of his guaranteed profit, based on orr?
As we know from earlier, the answer to that question is:
profit=orr/(1+orr)*Stake [%]
There remains the question of allocations-individual payments to 1,0,2 outcomes
Let ∑ denote sum: HD+HA+DH=22.64 (for this given odds)
the first allocation:
n1(orr)=stake/[(1+orr)H]=€39.04594 stake for home win
the second allocation
the third allocation
From the above formulas come next:
And that is the value of revenue from Arbs for this game and bookmaker!
Because of the choice of the handicap, we take odds D and A into consideration
If we approach this method from total stake as the starting point then we have to find compound odds,c.o
We find it using the harmonic mean:
So revenue from applying Dutching is:
QGAH+ 0.25 handicap
Because of that handicap, the initial stake must be split into 2 equal parts: each €50
The first part goes for 0.0 handicap and the second for 0.5 handicap
As previous we denote:
d.o(H)=H, d.o(D)=D, d.o(A)=A
in this case
H=2.025 @ -0.25
A=1.825 @ +0.25
first handicap: 0 or draw no bet, betting efficacy
Result of the game: 1-1 therefore DRAW
revenueNDH=return of stake:€50
second handicap: half-goal handicap, betting efficacy
After offset, the virtual result is 1:1.5 in the advantage of Alloa
so, revenue0.5 handicap=€50*1.825=€91.25
revenuetotal=revenueNDH + revenue0.5 handicap=€141.25
For this values of revenueNDH and revenue0.5 handicap as we can see Dutching is profitable than QGAH+0.25
Infographic presentation of shown methods